Advocacy Email - November 7, 2003

Subject:  Support of Congressional Letter Calling for Increased U.S. International Affairs Budget (11/7/03)

To: International Education Advocates


A member of the Washington State Coalition for International Education, the U.S. Global Leadership Campaign (see, is launching a letter-writing campaign asking members of Congress to sign a letter to President Bush urging him to support increased funding for next year’s international affairs budget in his FY05 budget request.

The Senate letter is sponsored by Senators Mike DeWine (R-OH), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Gordon Smith (R-OR), and Richard Durbin (D-IL) and the House letter is sponsored by Representatives Amory Houghton (R-NY) and Howard Berman (D-CA).

According to U.S. Global Leadership: Now more than ever America must remain engaged in the world and utilize all of the tools and resources it needs to strengthen U.S. national interests—including the International Affairs Budget. It is critical that the Administration asks for increased funding for the U.S. International Affairs Budget in their FY05 request.


About the U.S. Global Leadership Campaign

The U.S. Global Leadership Campaign, a coalition of over 300 business and organizations, is dedicated to supporting a strong international affairs budget and promoting U.S. global engagement. Every day, our member organizations experience first-hand the difference a small investment in upholding America's global leadership makes for our national security, American business and jobs, and the lives of children and their families. As businesspeople and advocates, we are committed to demonstrating to decisionmakers in Washington that the small change - one penny of every federal dollar - spent on U.S. international affairs programs makes a big difference in the security and prosperity of our country.
The U.S. International Affairs foreign policy budget is known by its budget function number, Function 150. The 150 International Affairs Budget Account is primarily divided between two of Congress's 13 spending bills, the Foreign Operations and Commerce, Justice, State spending bills.


Requested by November 14, 2003

The U.S. Global Leadership Campaign has requested our assistance, as follows:
Please urge Members of Congress to sign-on to the Dewine-Feinstein-Smith-Durbin letter in the Senate and the Berman-Houghton letter in the House. It is important that we help secure more signatures than last year’s letter.

1. Contact your Senators and Representative by simply logging on to and clicking on the action alert. Feel free to tailor the action alert to fit your organization’s mission and message.

2. Contact priority Members of Congress.

Please report all actions taken to Alison MacDonald at


Michele Anciaux Aoki
Washington State Coalition for International Education
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