Michael Biggins is delighted to share that he’ll be leading the University of Washington’s first ever Early Fall Start intensive study abroad program in Slovenia with 15 UW students from a wide range of majors participating. The trip will take place September 1-21, 2024. (Michael indicates that there are still a few open spots.)
- No prior foreign language knowledge required
- Multi-disciplinary introduction in English to a fascinating culture and society with a history reaching back more than a millennium.
- An EU country bordered by Italy, Austria, Hungary, Croatia and the Adriatic Sea.
- History, geography, music, art, architecture, literature, archaeology, environment, sociology, and more…
- Live, have meals and take classes in a former Ursuline convent built in the 17th century
- Field trips to Trieste (Italy) and elsewhere
- 5 credit hours
For more information, visit: Slavic Slovenia: Language, Culture & Society at a Crossroads.
Download the Promotional Flyer.