The Global Competence Certificate for students is administered by the Global Classroom Program at the World Affairs Council of Seattle. It was developed together with the Seattle Public Schools International Schools Leadership Team (ISLT) in 2016-2017. It is recognized as a model on Global Education Certificate: http://globaledcertificate.org/washington/.
The Global Competence Certificate Program was created to track students’ development of competencies that are critical to their success as global citizens who can contribute meaningfully to resolving global issues and ensuring a prosperous and equitable global economy. Upon successful completion of a website portfolio and presentation, eligible students will receive a Global Competence Certificate, issued by the World Affairs Council of Seattle. Students who present their portfolios in 9-11th grades will also have the opportunity to continue developing their portfolios, and to earn the certificate later in their high school careers.
In order to fulfill certificate requirements, students will reflect on their experiences in three key competencies:
- Global Learning
- International Engagement
- Language and Intercultural Learning
Getting Started
With the challenge of school closings in winter 2020 due to COVID-19, the Washington State Coalition for International Education began partnering with the World Affairs Council Global Classroom and the Seattle Public Schools International Schools Leadership Team to provide resources for students to pursue developing their Global Competence Certificate Portfolio. We continue to offer support to students who would like to earn their Global Competence Certificate:
- START HERE: Overview Video on Vimeo
- World Affairs Council Global Competence Certificate Web Page
- Global Competence Certificate Example Wix Site
- Global Competence Certificate How to Build a Google Site on Vimeo (Santoshi Pisupati)
- Getting Started with:
- Updated resources (Word docs):
- Example portfolios:
- http://beckyglobalcompetence.weebly.com/ (awarded in 2017)
- https://sites.google.com/view/santoshicompetencecertificate (awarded in June 2021)
- https://heritagelanguagevoices.wordpress.com/2021/09/27/alexa-figueroa-gcc/ (awarded in Sept 2021)
- https://heritagelanguagevoices.wordpress.com/2021/09/28/adriana-schmieders-gcc/ (awarded in Sept 2021)
- https://aditiajoy.wixsite.com/aditiglblcompetence/general-6 (awarded in Oct 2022)
Recording of presentation - https://beautifulforest.wixsite.com/website (awarded March 2023) Recording of presentation
- https://moldovanuliana.wixsite.com/website (awarded March 2023) Recording of presentation
- Zoom sessions to talk with experienced teacher/coaches on International Education. Students, teachers, parents and interested community members are welcome to attend once or many times to explore ideas or ask for feedback.
- Check Events Calendar for future dates.
Interested? Students and teachers: Please register here so that the World Affairs Council can follow up with you.
For more information, contact: Ryan Hauck, World Affairs Council Global Classroom Director rhauck@world-affairs.org, or Michele Anciaux Aoki intledwa@gmail.com.
Research in 2016
The concept of recognizing Global Competence with student portfolios was presented at the August 29, 2016 International Schools Symposium in Seattle Public Schools. The International Schools Leadership Team (ISLT) spent several months researching various models from the Asia Society, states of Wisconsin and Illinois, and a number of schools and colleges. Members of the ISLT completed a questionnaire, and based on the results, a design was created for the pilot in spring, 2017. For more information, see: https://sites.google.com/site/seattleislt/projects/global-certificate.
Pilot in Spring 2017
In 2016-2017, Seattle’s International Schools Leadership Team (ISLT) researched the feasibility of offering a recognition or certificate of some sort for students demonstrating global competence. We launched an effort to pilot the Certificate with the World Affairs Council Global Classroom during spring 2017 and awarded our first two Global Competence Certificates in June 2017 to a students at Chief Sealth International High School and Lakeside School in Seattle.
World Affairs Council Global Classroom page – Global Competence Certificate
Example of Completed Portfolio Spring 2017: http://beckyglobalcompetence.weebly.com/.