International Education Washington

Summit Youth Meetings - June 16 & July 7, 2004

Youth Dialogue (OneWorld Now! Students) Planning Meetings

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Present: Khoi Nguyen, Becky Alhadeff, Haley Anderson, Aysha Haq

Summary:  During our first meeting Becky, Khoi, and Haley all agreed that they would like to be involved in some form of youth dialogue. We agreed that they would help design and facilitate “youth-facilitated” dialogues during the summit. As well, everyone agreed to encourage other students and their teachers to join the summit on International Education. We also began by thinking about what forms our dialogues might take, and what questions we could ask. One example of a question that arose was “Should illegal aliens have the same right to go to high school like U.S. citizens have?” Everyone agreed to think about other questions.

Wednesday, July 7, 2004

Present: Becky Alhadeff, Haley Anderson,  Aysha Haq

Summary:  We met and went over the purpose of the summit. We discussed the 4 priorities that are important to the coalition (listed in the grant submitted to Asia Society) and shared questions and ideas that might relate to those 4 priorities.

  • Integrating international education into all aspects of Social Studies and other school subjects, starting in elementary school.
  • Increasing teacher knowledge and experience of global perspectives.
  • Providing state-level coordination and support for World Languages K-12.
  • Coordinating efforts in international education between K-12 schools and higher education.

Some of these questions included:

  • Should foreign language learning start in elementary schools? Is it important enough for us to focus on?
  • If you agree, how should we integrate it in to our current school systems?
  • Why haven’t we done this (teach foreign languages at a very young age, teach about other countries) before?

Some additional thoughts/ suggestions:

  • Share how mathematics is done around the world.
  • Play word association game by talking about different countries.

Next meetings:

Wednesday, 3:30

Location: Asian Resource Center: 1025 S King St. in the International District

August 4
August 18
August 25 (Join overall summit planning meeting to share ideas with other people.)

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